PHS Employment Application / Welcome to PHS Employment Application Portal

PHS Job Application

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PHS Job Application
Personal Information
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Zip Code:
Apply for a role as:pick one!
How did you here about this job?Enter details here
0 / 500
Were you referred by an employee:If yes, employee's full name
Date available to work:of appointment
Salary Required:Enter your desired slary
Resume Upload:upload file(s)
Choose File
Your Education
High School
Name of School:full school name
School Address 1:
School Address 2:
School Phone:
Years Completed:
Did you graduate?
Degree Type:
Name of School:full school name
School Address 1:
School Address 2:
School Phone:
Dates Attended:
Did you graduate?
Degree Type:
Special Courses (Please list any additional training you may have received, including military training, apprenticeship, programs, vocational training, courses or seminars):
Name of School:full school name
School Address 1:
School Address 2:
School Phone:
Dates Attended:
Did you graduate?
Degree Type:
Employment History
Present or Most Recent Employer
Company Name:
Employer's Address 1:
Employer's Address 2:
Employer's Phone:
Zip Code:
Job Title:
Job Dutiesjob description
0 /
Employed from:Start date
Employed till:Stop date
Starting Salary:
Ending Salary:
Supervisor's Name:
Reason for Leaving?
May we contact this employer?
Additional Employment History
Past Employer 1
Company Name:
Employer's Address 1:
Employer's Address 2:
Employer's Phone:
Zip Code:
Job Title:
Job Dutiesjob description
0 /
Employed from:Start date
Employed till:Stop date
Starting Salary:
Ending Salary:
Supervisor's Name:
Reason for Leaving?
May we contact this employer?
Past Employer 2
Company Name:
Employer's Address 1:
Employer's Address 2:
Employer's Phone:
Zip Code:
Job Title:
Job Dutiesjob description
0 /
Employed from:Start date
Employed till:Stop date
Starting Salary:
Ending Salary:
Supervisor's Name:
Reason for Leaving?
May we contact this employer?
Professional Licenses/Certifications
License No:specify here:
License Expiry Date:Please specify
Other Licenses
License No:specify here:
License Expiry Date:Please specify
Other Enquiries
Are you eligible for employment in the United States of America?Please specify
If yes, please explain:
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Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor offense?Please specify
Reference 1 - (Please do not include family membersor relatives)
Name:full name
Current Position:your full name
Phone Number:
Reference 2
Name:full name
Current Position:your full name
Phone Number:
I certify that by submitting this employment application; that the information I have provided is accurate and has been completed to the best of my knowledge and ability. I understand that any falsification, misrepresentation or omission in my interviews or any other employment record many be sufficient reason not to hire me or may be reason for dismissal.